National Resources Wales News

29 Jan 2025

NRW changes waste sheep dip disposal methods for cleaner rivers

NRW changes waste sheep dip disposal methods for cleaner rivers: Sheep 2



Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is implementing changes to waste sheep dip disposal permits in an effort to safeguard Welsh rivers.

While sheep dipping is important to safeguard livestock from potential parasites, NRW has measured increased levels of diazinon in Wales’ water environment, a chemical that is highly toxic to most aquatic organisms.

NRW will stop issuing new permits that allow farmers to dispose of waste sheep dip to land. Instead, farms will need to have the waste dip removed by a registered waste carrier and disposed of in a suitable waste facility.

Farms with active permits can continue to dispose to land for the time being but eventually all waste dip will need to be disposed of this way, bringing consistency with how all other liquid wastes are disposed of.

Where a farmer no longer needs to dispose of waste sheep dip to land, they will be able to surrender their permit for free.

Nadia De Longhi, Head of Regulation and Permitting for NRW, said:

“We’re constantly working to balance the needs of working farms with our duties to safeguard the environment and this often means gradual change to the way things work.

“Disposing of sheep dip to land has been done for more than 30 years but we’ve noticed a negative effect accumulating in our rivers that is causing us to fail to meet the standards required to protect the water environment.

“This is why we’ve decided to phase out the practice as there are now better
alternatives available.

 “Those already permitted to dispose of sheep dip to land can continue to do so for now, but we’ll be working with farmers to eventually phase the practice out and move to a process that isn’t as harsh on our environment.

"To support that change we have removed the charge, which currently stands at £363, to surrender your permit if you no longer need it.”

Farmers that need their sheep to be dipped but currently do not have a permit, can:

  • Apply to use the Welsh Government funded Gwaredu Scab programme if they suspect they have a scab infestation (
  • Dip the sheep themselves (if they hold the necessary certificates) and arrange for a registered waste carrier to collect the waste dip for off-site disposal.
  • Employ a mobile sheep dip contractor to dip their sheep for them and take the waste away for disposal. To facilitate this, farmers can securely store waste dip on their own farm for up to 12 months prior to collection and mobile dip contractors can store 20,000 litres for up to three months on their premises prior to collection.

CNC yn newid dulliau gwaredu dip defaid gwastraff ar gyfer afonydd glanach

Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) yn cyflwyno newidiadau i drwyddedau gwaredu dip defaid gwastraff mewn ymdrech i ddiogelu afonydd Cymru.

Er bod dipio defaid yn bwysig i ddiogelu da byw rhag parasitiaid posibl, mae CNC wedi mesur lefelau uwch o ddiazinon yn amgylchedd dŵr Cymru, cemegyn sy'n wenwynig iawn i'r rhan fwyaf o organebau dyfrol.

Bydd CNC yn rhoi'r gorau i gyhoeddi trwyddedau newydd sy'n caniatáu i ffermwyr waredu dip defaid gwastraff ar y tir. Yn hytrach, bydd angen i ffermydd waredu’r dip gwastraff drwy gludwr gwastraff cofrestredig a fydd yn ei waredu mewn cyfleuster gwastraff addas.

Gall ffermydd sydd â thrwyddedau gweithredol barhau i waredu ar dir am y tro ond yn y pen draw bydd angen gwaredu pob dip gwastraff yn y modd hwn, gan ddod â chysondeb â sut y gwaredir pob gwastraff hylif arall.

Lle nad oes angen i ffermwr waredu dip defaid gwastraff ar y tir bellach, byddant yn gallu ildio eu trwydded am ddim.

Dywedodd Nadia De Longhi, Pennaeth Rheoleiddio a Thrwyddedu CNC:

"Rydym yn gweithio'n gyson i gydbwyso anghenion ffermydd gweithredol gyda'n dyletswyddau i ddiogelu'r amgylchedd ac mae hyn yn aml yn golygu newid graddol i'r ffordd y mae pethau'n gweithio.

"Mae dip defaid wedi cael ei waredu ar dir ers dros 30 mlynedd ond rydym wedi sylwi ar effaith negyddol yn ein hafonydd sy'n achosi i ni fethu â chyrraedd y safonau sy'n ofynnol i ddiogelu'r amgylchedd dŵr.

"Dyma pam rydyn ni wedi penderfynu dileu'r arfer yn raddol gan fod gwell dewisiadau ar gael erbyn hyn.

 "Gall y rhai sydd eisoes â chaniatâd i waredu dip defaid ar dir barhau i wneud hynny am y tro, ond byddwn yn gweithio gyda ffermwyr i ddiddymu'r arfer yn raddol yn y pen draw a symud i broses nad yw mor llym ar ein hamgylchedd.

"Er mwyn cefnogi'r newid hwnnw, rydym wedi dileu'r tâl, sydd ar hyn o bryd yn £363, i ildio'ch trwydded os nad oes ei hangen arnoch erbyn hyn."

Gall ffermwyr sydd angen dipio eu defaid ond nad oes ganddynt drwydded ar hyn o bryd:

  • Wneud cais i ddefnyddio'r rhaglen Gwaredu Scab a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru os ydynt yn amau bod clafr yn eu diadelloedd (
  • Dipio'r defaid eu hunain (os oes ganddynt y tystysgrifau angenrheidiol) a threfnu i gludwr gwastraff cofrestredig gasglu'r dip gwastraff i'w waredu oddi ar y safle.
  • Cyflogi contractwr dip defaid symudol i ddipio eu defaid ar eu rhan a chludo’r gwastraff i ffwrdd i’w waredu. Er mwyn hwyluso hyn, gall ffermwyr storio dip gwastraff yn ddiogel ar eu fferm eu hunain am hyd at 12 mis cyn ei gasglu a gall contractwyr dip symudol storio 20,000 litr am hyd at dri mis ar eu safle cyn ei gasglu.

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Natural Resources Wales